Determining Hair Types
3c, 4a, 4b, 2c, 3b.....WHAT DO THESE LETTERS MEAN!!! (hahaha) Well, I'll tell you, the letters help determine your curl/hair type. Take a look below for images to help you. Also don't be alarmed if you have more than one, N has 3! Knowing your curl type may help you figure out products that cater to your hair.

Here is a link to help if you are still unsure.
So what curl type are you? and your little one?

Here is a link to help if you are still unsure.

So what curl type are you? and your little one?
When I was little, my hair was 3A/3B. Mom got tired of fussing with it, and cut it short. Came back 2C. I got a perm at one point, and it was around 3B. I'm 16 now, perm gone (and took some of my natural curl with it), and it's about 2C in the morning, and 2A/2B (depending on the weather) by the time I get the tangles out (My hair tangles as it dries, product or not, so even if I detangle when it's wet, it's still tangled by the time it's dry.) My hair will never go completely straight unless I get it professionally straightened.
My daughte also has 3 curl types 3b, 3c and 4a. When my hair is long my roots are 2b because the weigth of my hair stretches my curls near my scalp and I also have 2c with some randomly ending with 3a curls. Its lovely how each curl is different making everyone unique and beautiful in their own way (",)
I say mine is a 2b to a 2c, I think my dauther is going to be a 1, I hope she is at lest a 2a.
new follower from mbc
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