I LOVE when the readers participate!!! Its easy, just send a email to with the subject title: Interview or SpotLight!! That's all, and you will be on kandyland!!!*SpotLight* - If you would like to be in KandyLand's Spotlight, all you have to do is send a email to and submit up to 7 photos of your little one/one's (boy or girl) for the spotlight of the month, include name and age and a little about yourself (ex. hobby & interest). That's all, and make sure the subject title to the email is spotlight ;-)
Be Interviewed- If you would like to be interviewed and featured on KandyLand, just answer the following questions and email them to make sure to include a photo of you and your little one.
(To answer the questions in a email, just highlight the text by right clicking the mouse where you want to start. Then scroll over to the place you want to end, while the text is highlighted click "control" and "c"- then to paste right click on the mouse and select "paste."
Interview Questions
1.) Your name and little one's name/nickname?
2.) What's your child's haircare routine?
3.) What products are you currently using?
4.) Do you use heat/chemicals on the child's hair?
5.) How does your child feel about their hair?
6.) What was the worst hair tip you have received?
7.) Do you cut/trim the hair? if so how often?
8.) What is some hair advice you would like to share?
**Don't forget to include a few photos with your interview answers in the email**
*Guest Post - If you are a blogger, or would like to write a guest post, email me at
Please be sure to submit the article or rough draft of what you would like to write about. Along with your name, photos, (or possible link to your blog.) Be sure to write "Guest Post" as the subject title of the email.