Hair Time Prints GIVEAWAY!!
I announced on our Facebook pages that once we reach 1,500 followers, we would have a special Giveaway! As of today, we have a total of 1,521 followers!! Thanks so much for following and supporting this blog, I appreciate each and every one of you!
"Thank You"
I also have to give a HUGE THANKS to Katie from Mossy Rock Designs, for hosting this Giveaway!
If you don't remember Katie click here
Update: She is getting closer to adopting her precious little girl from Africa, tomorrow they will complete the final step before sending the Dossier to Ethiopia!! If you purchase her wonderful paintings, all proceeds go toward the funding of her adoption.
Katie has generously offered to ONE lucky winner this beautiful picture set below.

(2.5x3.5 inch, 3 piece set)
Here are the Contest Rules...
Here are the Contest Rules...
Mandatory Entries
1.) You have to be a follower of our blog.
(If you are not click *Follow Us* on the right.)
2.) Follow Katie's blog
(These two entries above have to be completed in order to be eligible to win the prize.)
Extra entries to (increase) your chances of winning!
1.) Follow us on Facebook.
2.) Follow us on Twitter.
3.) Comment on our past posts.
4.) Check out Katie's Etsy Shop, and post a comment telling me which item is your favorite.
5.) Write a sentence (in this comment section) about why it is important to help orphans or children in need.
6.) Share this giveaway to others.
(You can Tweet, FB, or blog about the giveaway! Just make sure to come back here, and leave a comment and link telling me what you did.)
Remember, come back to this post and leave a comment below telling me which steps you have completed. Each task you complete increases your chances at winning.
I will choose a winner by using Random.Org on August 3rd
Good Luck To All!!!
I follow your amazing blog <3!
I also follow Katies awesome blog <3
I follow on FB :)
Loveyourgirls biracialcurls
I follow KandyLand on Twitter :)
I shared on FB today :)
Loveyourgirls biracialcurls
I tweeted today :)
My FAV painting of Katies aside from this set is the one with the little boy with the dragon that she painted for her friends son <3
I follow this blog!
I follow Katie's blog!
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I follow you on Twitter!
I love the painting Africa Hope!
dang kim..why are you trying to win ANOTHER set, lol
i follow klk
i follow katies blog as well
I follow this blog :)
Followed Both Blogs & KLK On Facebook
I think it's important to help children in need because they cannot fully provide for themselves at such a young age. They also need someone to look up to and a source of love and support.
I tweeted!
I follow Katies blog
I follow klk on Facebook
I follow your blog and Mossy Rock Designs blog!
As a person who grew up in foster care jumping from home to home and having my odlest child while in the system I think its very important to help children I've seen how unstable being in the system is.
I shared on FB today :)
Loveyourgirls Biracialcurls
I tweeted today :)
I follow your blog
I follow katies blog
I follow you on twitter
I follow you on facebook
I love the panting titled meeting my momma.
I shared on facebook is wouldnt let me copy the link.
Wonderful giveaway, thank you for the chance! The painting is awesome!
I am a GFC follower of your blog. (ann) brownatural@gmaildotcom
I follow Katie's blog as well.
I am a facebook fan now of yours. (angela akinniyi)
NEW Wondering - African Girl ACEO 2.5x3.5 print is my favorite on your Etsy shop. Sooooo pretty!
Its important to help kids in needs because the are unable to provide for themselves and every kid deserves a good life.
I tweeted today!!!
I shared on Fb today!!!
Loveyourgirls Biracialcurls
I tweeted again:!/leCreoleMoon/status/95904656194150400
Hair Time is my FAV!!!!!
I follow both blogs (
I follow you on fb: Camille Drayton
I follow you on twitter: CurlyCaramel1
It is important to help orphans and children in need because to do what you can when you can is a gift given. So many children are orphaned whether be by choice or by disaster, we as a human race have got to pull together and take care of one another!
I tweeted this post
I shared this post on facebook (camille Drayton)
Entry 1: I follow your blog
Entry 2: I follow you on FB!
Entry 3: I follow you on Twitter
Entry 4: I've posted about this giveaway on FB!
Entry 5: I follow Kay's Blog
meant Katy's Blog...
I like the "Hair Time" Collection. It important to help children in need as they can not help themselves. The gift of love is meant to be shared and extended. They are special in God's eyes. There is no greater reward then watching a child grow from your own watering. We love the babies!
I follow your blog, facebook,and your twitter and I like that the shy Ethiopian girl that's really pretty.Now I'm following Katie
It's important for children to be adopted because every child deserves to be loved by someone. Every child deserves to have a family with people who always support them and have their best interest at heart. They are so many unwanted children in the world. I feel it's truley amazing to share a life with something so special as Gods Greatest Gift. It's amazing what children can bring into your life, just by being themselves. My mother was adopted by her grand mother and she is living proof that adoption is one of the best thins that a person can do.
My favorite painting is the Hair time collection. I love what it represents the versatility of AA hair.
I follow both blogs :)
I follow your blog
I follow kaites blog as well
I follow on facebook
I follow twitter
I like the hair art picture thats my favorite and I know my daughter would love to win this.
Its importnat to help kids in need, in order for God to help you.
Just shared again on fb (Camille Drayton)
Tweeted (CurlyCaramel1)
I also follow you on fb!
I follow your blog :)
I follow katies blog!
I'm following yours & Katie's blog, on Twitter (KandyLand & Babybellahair) and on Facebook. I shared info about the giveaway on my blog page. My favorite item on Katie's Esty Shop is the African Mudcloth Pillow. It is important to help orphans & children in because if we do not these children will have no chance in life. It's like the old saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child...and we are the village.
I follow you of facebook
I posted about this giveaway on facebook
I follow both blogs
Friend requested on facebook
Waiting for You 5x7 adoption print
It's important to help orphans because they can't help themselves and if not us then who.
I follow your blog via GFC!
I also following Katie's Blog.
I follow you on twitter too @ugottafriendnme
I tweeted about your giveaway, here is my link;
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