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*Spotlight *-JJ

Let's all Welcome our very first boy, to be featured on KandyLandKurls! 

His name is James H. Johnson, III. We call him JJ, cause he's Dy-no-mite! He is 2 years old. My first and only child. Love him...his birthday is 01/25/2009.

Aww isn't he a cutie! I love his little haircut, he is such a brave "little man." Thanks so much for sharing pictures of James, it was great finally having a boy featured! Also I love his nickname JJ and he is "Dy-no-mite!" 

* If you would like your little one to be featured on KandyLandKurls, please click on our "Participate" tab above, for more details.

I Made My Own Hair Shea Butter Mix

I checked a few forums and the women talked about how they make their own conditoners, deep conditoners, and even a Shea Butter mix. I purchased the ingredients and made my own Shea Butter mix.

Benefits of using Shea Butter:

-Shea Butter provides moisture to dry and damaged hair, leaving it healthy and shiny.
Because it's rich in vitamin A and E.  

-Shea Butter soothes dryness, repairs breakage, and mends split ends.

-Shea Butter absorbs quickly and completely into the scalp without clogging pores, leaving a greasy residue, or causing a buildup of oil or dandruff.

-Shea Butter helps heal a variety of scalp problems, including dry scalp, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.

Benefits of using Coconut Oil:

-Coconut Oil adds shine and softness to hair follicles and prevents hair breakage and dryness. 

-Coconut Oil can nourish each hair strand by penetrating deep into the hair shaft. 

-Coconut oil is specially ideal for dry hair, which is more prone to hair breakage and damage. 

-Coconut Oil helps to prevent hair breakage, split ends, thinning, excessive hair fall, dandruff, etc.

Benefits of using Vitamin E Oil:

-Vitamin E oil helps improve circulation to the scalp which will promote hair growth.

-Vitamin E Oil can also be used as a preservative when mixing with other products.

This mix is great as a sealant after you apply a moisturizer. But I must warn: This is can be heavy on the hair especially if your hair is fine. N's hair soaks it right up, and it leaves a nice shine. I only use a little bit and I rub it on my palms and it melts in my hands. I don't use it daily but every other day.
I purchased the ingredients on Amazon.com, and I realized that it is cheaper to make your own, rather than paying for it, plus shipping and handling from a company. You will actually find that alot of the ingredients are found in many Organic hair products.
Raw Unrefined Shea Butter
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Vitamin E Oil
This mix has been a wonderful product that I add to N and my hair routine. I have been using this for a few months now, and I noticed some growth on N, I even made tubs of it for my Mom and Sisters and they have noticed a improvement in their hair as well. As you all may know, I was a former Hair Grease-Addict lol. This is my replacement and it's much healthier than grease. It doesn't contain all of that junk found on the back of hair grease, that you cannot pronounce. Everything is basic and can be used for your entire body, not just hair.

1.) Melt the Shea Butter on the stove. Use low heat and remove once fully melted.
2. Pour the mix into a empty jar and place into the freezer for 10 minutes.
3.) Remove from the freezer and add the Coconut Oil, and Vitamin E Oil to the jar.
4.) Use a hand mixer, or spoon, and mix until it becomes creamy.
5.) Let it sit overnight and whenever you are ready to use, just scoop some in your hands and it should instantly melt in your hands (due to our body temp.)

* Do you make your own hair products?

Repost: Swimming & Hair Care

The Sun is out, and summer is on it's way! Of course, the kids want to cool off in the water. 
Here are some tips on how to protect your little one's hair while swimming.

Before Swimming:

-Apply a leave in conditioner to the hair. This will add a protective barrier against chlorine/salt.

- Purchase a swimming cap, this will also protect the hair.

-Wet your hair with clean water prior to going into the pool, this will help to stop your hair from absorbing chlorine.

After Swimming:

This is the most important step
 -Make sure to immediately wash your hair with a sulfate shampoo to remove the chlorine and apply a conditioner.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Box Braids (Protective Style)

It's Summer, and this is the season when we experience the most hair growth. I decided to do box braids which is a great protective style, and it stops her hair from being manipulated everyday.

Here are some quick pictures I took in the store.

While her hair is in box braids I add moisture daily, I use Bee Mine Juicy Spritz & my shea butter mix (review coming soon.)

What are some of your favorite protective styles?

*SpotLight* -"A" & Taylor

1.)Your name and little one's name/nickname?

My name is Taylor, and my two and a half year old daughter we will call "A" :)

2.)What's your haircare routine?

We co-wash whenever needed, I don't really follow a strict schedule with that, and I rarely wash with shampoo - mostly after her hairs been in braids for a week or more or if she is loaded with sand (which seems to be a lot lately!) I try to braid her hair about once a month and leave it in for 1 -2 weeks, otherwise I like to leave her hair loose lately. When her hairs in braids though, for upkeep she sleeps on a satin pillow case because a cap will never stay on, and I rub oil into her parts every day and spray her with my water, conditioner and oil mixture :)

3.)What products are you currently using?

We use a lot, I can be a product junkie at times. But we have been on Bee Mine since November 2010. I swear by the luscious moisturizer for detangling and moisturizing, and I also love the hair milk. I use Moroccan or coconut oil for her scalp and parts, and I like to use unrefined shea butter along her hairline because I've been finding it very brittle there lately. I mix oil with any regular conditioner I'm using at the time (lately it's been Organix - any one of them) and some water and I spray that all over her before detangling. For deep conditioning we were using Mixed Chicks but that has run out so I am shopping for a new one now!

4.)Do you use (or will/will not) heat/chemicals on the child's hair?

No, I have never but if she wants to straighten her hair when she's older (ie. a teenager) she can, but as for now, heck no.

5.)Do you use heat/chemicals on your hair?

I have dyed my hair too many times to count and I used to straighten all the time although now it's too hot I haven't done it in months.

6.)What was the worst hair tip you have received?

To use grease!!! I used it until she was about two.

7.)Do you cut/trim the hair? if so how often?

No, but she cut a section of her hair once a few months ago and it's still growing in, and a few weeks ago her daddy was bathing her while I was out at work and he trimmed the ends of her twists for some reason, I was not happy! haha. Thankfully he didn't cut that much, he said she was telling him not to cut it the whole time because her hair is mommy's job, how sweet!

8.)What is some hair advice you would like to share?
To avoid products that contain petroleum, and to avoid using too many beads and rubberbands.

Show Us Some Pictures!!


Awww Taylor she is such a doll! "A" is very lucky to have a Mom who can have her hair looking gorgeous! I LOVE her curls and braids! Keep up the great work and thanks so much for being apart of our SpotLight!

-If you would like to have your little one featured on KandyLand's SpotLight just send an email to kandylandkurls@yahoo.com

Trimmed N's Hair

Do you remember the post awhile ago
(The Virtual Playdate Update)
In the post I mentioned how I had a "surprise."
Well here it is..."I gave N a trim!!
It may not be a big deal, but to me it is, I STINK at cutting!
I used to cut my Barbies hair and let's just say....she ended up looking like this..

Okay, minus the spider legs thingy going on..but you got the point!
But N's hair, came out great!
I banded her hair for two days.

Here is a picture of her hair stretched out

Here is another one, as you can see it is lower back length.

I unraveled the banded hair, and applied some moisturizer.

I combed her hair all the way down, and gripped with my two fingers her hair into place. 

I didn't take alot of hair off, and I didn't try to make her hair even. I simply wanted to remove her jagged ends.

(Ignore her silly face lol)
This is after we were finished. 

This was N's first time getting a trim.
Has your child received a trim/cut? If so, how did the process go? and did you do it yourself?

Hair Time Prints GIVEAWAY!!

I announced on our Facebook pages that once we reach 1,500 followers, we would have a special Giveaway! As of today, we have a total of 1,521 followers!! Thanks so much for following and supporting this blog, I appreciate each and every one of you!
"Thank You"
I also have to give a HUGE THANKS to Katie from Mossy Rock Designs, for hosting this Giveaway!
If you don't remember Katie  click here 
Update: She is getting closer to adopting her precious little girl from Africa, tomorrow they will complete the final step before sending the Dossier to Ethiopia!! If you purchase her wonderful paintings, all proceeds go toward the funding of her adoption.

Katie has generously offered to ONE lucky winner this beautiful picture set below.

(2.5x3.5 inch, 3 piece set)

Here are the Contest Rules...

Mandatory Entries

1.) You have to be a follower of our blog.
 (If you are not click *Follow Us* on the right.)

2.) Follow Katie's blog

(These two entries above have to be completed in order to be eligible to win the prize.)

Extra entries to (increase) your chances of winning!

1.) Follow us on Facebook.

2.) Follow us on Twitter.

3.) Comment on our past posts.

4.) Check out Katie's Etsy Shop, and post a comment telling me which item is your favorite.

5.) Write a sentence (in this comment section) about why it is important to help orphans or children in need.

6.) Share this giveaway to others.
(You can Tweet, FB, or blog about the giveaway! Just make sure to come back here, and leave a comment and link telling me what you did.)  

Remember, come back to this post and leave a comment below telling me which steps you have completed. Each task you complete increases your chances at winning.

I will choose a winner by using Random.Org on August 3rd

Good Luck To All!!!

Detangling Tangled

The Title of the post looks silly huh? Here's the story, N comes into the living room with her Tangled Rapunzel Doll we brought her a few months ago. She looks at me and says "Ma, I can see why they call her Tangled, her hair is a mess! Can you fix it?" So I quickly grab my super cape and I'm off to save the day!

(This is before)

I decided to wash her hair, I used Ajax dish detergent, then I combed her hair with the Tangled Teezer. And 5 minutes later...

Tangled is Untangled and I have a very happy 6 year old! I have saved the day!

Curly Updo With Flat Twists

I'm sure some of you have seen this style on Natural-Hair-Care-Info.com for N's feature. Well, I wanted to share it again here for those that didn't see it. I also wanted to tell you that this was my very FIRST time doing flat twists!!! Yes, I knew it wasn't hard and I pretty much got the technique I just never did it, until now, and I think I did a pretty good job! I must add with N's hair type I like cornbraids better, they last longer and look neater to me.


Prep: I washed N's hair the night before, and put her hair into 4 braids to sleep with. In the morning I unraveled the braids.  
1.)  I parted her hair from ear to ear (in half /horizontal.)

2.) Beginning with the top section, I made three (3) cornbraids on the sides of her hair, near her ears.
I did this on each side of her ears, so it was a total of 6 braids.

3.) I made 3 flat twists going towards the right, and 4 going toward the left.

4.) Next, I put the back of her hair into a ponytail. I wet the hair in the ponytail with water. Then I added a few sprays of Motions Setting Lotion to the wet hair.

5.) Finally, I added Curlformers all over the ponytail. The next morning I removed the Curlformers and sprayed some Bee Mine Juicy Spritz, and used Bee Mine Curly Butter to smooth down her edges.

Celebrity Spotlight:Madison Pettis

Since the first time I saw her on Disney Channel, I fell in LOVE!
yes, L.O.V.E with her curls! I wish I knew her hair routine that she uses to tame her curls :( But this celebrity spotlight goes to you, keep rocking and shaking those curls!

Updated Twisted Updo

Here's a quick update on our style. I took the bun out and added 4 colorful rubberbands to the twists, which formed a mohawk.

We had a fun day at the park, and she received a compliment on her hairstyle from a few strangers. "N" has told me that this is her favorite style! So I may do this for the first day of school which is right around the corner. I can't believe summer vacation is half way over for us : (
How is everyone enjoying their summer so far?  

Twisted Updo

Lately, I have been searching through tons and tons of websites, and I was inspired by the all the Natural Divas I've seen. I decided to do a child version of one of the hairstyles I seen. I just call it a Twisted Updo, it's a blend of cornbraids & two-strand twists.


The first image is how I parted her hair.

The brown section represents the hair, that I used to made small two-strand twists.

The black lines going towards the brown section are cornbraids. 

Once the two-strand twist were complete, I used black bobby pins to secure her twists in a bun shape.

She loves some sort of braid or twist in the front of her hair. So I left a piece out, and created (2) two strand twists.

Then, I twisted them both together to form one big twist.

Finally, I added small colorful snaps to make it look more playful.

Products Used:
Bee Mine Luscious Moisturizer
Coconut Oil
Approx Time: 1 Hour

The sun was in her eyes lol

The Winner Of The Once Upon A Curl Giveaway!

I have to start by thanking Once Upon A Curl for hosting the Giveaway! This was a pretty close competition, but within hours one lady was able to claim the first place prize by a landslide. The 1st place winner will receive the following prize package:

The person who had the highest number of suggestions is...

Becky Lovin Him Woods!
(with a total of 74 friend suggestions!)

 The Second place winner will receive the following prize package:

The person who had the second highest amount is...

Brooke aka (Untrained Hair Mom!)
(with a total of 14 friend suggestions)

"Big Thanks" to everyone who has entered!

Becky and Brooke please email me with your full name and address to kandylandkurls@yahoo.com by July 12th.

We Won A Sunshine Award!

A BIG, HUGE, GIGANTIC, THANK YOU goes to Untrained Hair Mom for giving me this award! If you haven't checked out her site, you really should! She has many cool things coming in the near future!

In order to collect you award here's how it works:
Thank the person who awarded you and link back to them
Tell one thing about yourself
Then nominate 10 blogs
Stop by and let them know you chose them!

-Something about me: My favorite male singer is Craig David.
-Something about N: She loves to break dance.

And now…I would like to nominate the following blogs for this award:

I have fallen in love with so many hair blogs and have made so many new friends. It stinks that I only can name 10, because there are so many more blogs that I want to share this with. But here are 10 blogs I read almost daily!

Happy 4th Of July/ National Afro Day

 I hope everyone is enjoying the day!
Here is our style for the fourth, I was inspired by our friend A Story Of A Princess And Her Hair

Sorry about the upside down American Flag bows lol

The lighting stinks at Walmart

We did two styles for N, today is also National Afro Day!

Groovy Girl!

Here is a lovely 4th of July style submitted by our friend Jamillah on Facebook.

Isn't it cute?! You did a great job, thanks for sharing!

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