Thursday, April 26, 2012

SpotLight- Naomi

Remember this cute little face below?
She was featured in our SpotLight back in January.

It's Naomi, and she is here for another SpotLight!

Naomi Osibajo
4 years old

Naomi's Hair care routine/Regimen:

-I wash her hair 2 or 3 times every week.
-Her hair is really soft, so we can’t pull it to tight which limits the kind of styles we can do, also she has very full hair.
We cover those flaws by leaving her hair in afros over braiding it or putting it in ponytails.
- After washing her hair we style it with Mixed Chicks.

Isn't she a little doll baby! and her hair, ahh it's marvelous!
Thanks for keeping us updated on Naomi, and keep up the great work with her hair care! You can check them out on their blog

-If you would like to see your child on the next "SpotLight" click here for details!-

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