Wednesday, April 27, 2011

School Styles 25 Minutes Or Less

I did a style similar to this a while ago click here to view, but I wanted to change it up a bit.


1.) Make 3 individual parts going across the hair (horizontal.)

2.) Now make a part going straight down her hair (Vertical.)

3.) After parting, there should be 6 sections of hair, tie off each section.

4.) Begin making 2 two-strand twists in each box section.

5.) Beginning on the top sections, take one strand of the twist, and tie it into the box section below it.

6.) Next, take the other strand of the twist, and place it in the section below and across.

7.) Continue steps #5 and #6 until you are finished with the final box.

8.) Take the remaining hair, and begin making one big two-strand twist on one side, and another two strand twist on the other.

9.) Finally, add a small accessory if you want.

Products Used:
Tangled Teezer Brush
Coconut Oil
Bee Mine Luscious Moisturizer
Approx Time: 25-30 mins


  1. Gorgeous style!

  2. Very Pretty, I love those X styles :) As I call them.

  3. That's really pretty. I love the criss-crossing.

  4. What a very pretty hairstyle! Love the X's. I'm going to try this one one my little girl. Your "school styles" posts are a life saver! Thanks for sharing :) Have a great weekend :)

    Jordynn's Personal Stylist (aka mommy)

  5. My daughter loves twisties because her hair looks :long like rapunzel" as she would say. The more twist styles, the better. Especially since Mommy cant french braid :(


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