Thursday, November 15, 2012

Trimming Using The Search & Destroy Method

This was our 2nd time straightening her hair this fall. The first time, I wasn't able to trim her hair. So it's been over a year since her last trim. I decided to try a new method of trimming called the "Search & Destroy" method. 

A typical trim would be just trimming the ends of the hair off. But what about the hair throughout the hair shaft? We shed hair daily, and new hairs come in. We can't possibly trim all of it, since they are in all different lengths. Not all strands may reach the ends, so what about them? Well this method trims all of your hair from roots to tip. 

Take a look at this picture below. Notice the shaggy-ness throughout this section. Those are the hairs that we trimmed. 

Now, take a look of her hair, after the trim. 
Looks alot better, and she didn't lose any length. 

 Doing this method helps to keep your hairs length, and get rid of the slit ends. I did not trim to make her hair even. Below are two videos, on how to trim using this method. I did the exact same thing, as the women below. I was very surprised, at how much smoother the comb ran down her hair shaft, without snags.

-Have you ever tried the Search & Destroy Method of Trimming? 


  1. WOW this was really interesting. I have never heard of this before but now that i have i may try it. Her hair looked really good afterwards. Those videos are very informative.

  2. I love these two ladies! And what a major difference too! I have to do this on my daughter's and my hair. It makes a whole world of difference when it comes to handling the hair. Great post Kandy!

  3. Awesome video's. wondering if this will work on banded hair?

  4. @Fatkat- Im sure it will! Give it a try and let me know how it turns out :)

  5. I plan to try this on my daughter's 4c hair after banding. I am a little nervous..but didnt like the blunt even trimming that was done in November so I prefer to give it a try on my own. Would you recommend the search/destroy or the 'cut even' method since the hair is a little damaged at the ends?

  6. I plan to try this method on my 8 year olds stretched 4c hair. The ends are a bit damaged, so should I take the 'even cut' method instead? It was done last November, but still needed much more cut off.

  7. Since her hair is damaged at the ends I recommend both methods. It is best to remove damaged ends, because they will eventually split in half, all the way up the hair shaft (eek) so you dont want that, its best to rid of them early.


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