Sunday, October 14, 2012

2 Year Birthday Celebration & Giveaway!

It's KandyLandKurls 2 year BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! 

I started this blog in 2010, and I have learned so much during our 2 years. Our journey is far from over since she wants to reach floor length hair lol. But as a thank you to all of you, for following N's hair journey. I want to give you this opportunity to win 1 of 2 ($75) Bee Mine Gift Certificates! 

That's $150 worth, of Bee Mine Products

Very simple to enter, just fill out this quick form below.  Wait for it to load or click "MORE" to view the form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on your 2nd anniversary....I don't normally comment but I am an active follower of your blog :)

  2. Congrats on your 2nd anniversary...I don't comment but I am an active follower :)

  3. Form has to be done via laptop?

  4. Congrats on two years I know it's a blessing to be able to so this and to be able to make two years... It's got to be a testament of perseverance and dedication.... congratulations again

  5. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!
    @Shuquin yes it can be done from a laptop/desktop, but Im not sure from a phone would work.

  6. Thank you for this blog site and advice. CONGRATULATIONS!!

  7. Congrats on 2nd year first time on page and definitely won't be my last !!

  8. Congrats on 2nd year,, this is my first time on your blog and FB and I love it!!


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