Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Son "L" Hair Journey

My Son L is 2 years old. I never really talked about his hair, well... because he didn't have much hair to talk about lol. He even went through a stage where he lost his hair. I put together a college of his little hair journey. He has come a long way, and is now able to rock a ponytail, ....but that's another post lol. 

(Click on photo to enlarge)

You will be seeing more of him on this blog, since I doubt I will ever cut his hair. 
Keep checking in to follow my baby boy "L's" hair journey.


  1. ohhh tell L welcome tot he family, we're glad to meet him

  2. He is too precious! My son went through that phase with the hair And just like him, my son didn't have much hair to talk about until recently. Good luck on the journey and I will definitely be following :-)


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