Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Protective Style Challenge: Update (Week 4-5)

We are half way done with the Protective Style Challenge!! Can you believe that? N had her hair in this style (click to see.) During the week we spiced up that same hairstyle, and added some flair. She rocked a twisted updo, and little buns, along with one long braid (which is not pictured.) 

-Ignore the frizzies-

The women in the challenge are doing such amazing styles! And are helping each other with tips, styles, and  much more. It feels like a mini facebook family lol.  
We also shared photos of our children's length check. I never measured N's hair before, so it was pretty cool to see how long it is. I plan on measuring again when the challenge is over, to see if we have any growth. 

-sorry it's blurry, but I copied the rulers number in white font.-

-It's pretty difficult to take a pic and hold the ruler & hair haha-

Shrinkage is CRAZY! I never would of thought that her hair was almost 19 inches when stretched.

Have you ever measured your child's hair? Where you shocked by the results? 


  1. her hair is gorgeous how long have you been doing the challenge???

  2. the twisted updo is really cute!!

  3. Thanks and we have been doing the challenge for 5 weeks, we have 4 more to go.

  4. Those beautiful styles. Yes, I was surprised at the length of D's hair, 18 inches.


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