Saturday, February 18, 2012

Product Review: Twirlyz

Recently we were given the opportunity to review Twirlyz Hair Accessories! 

Twirlyz are an amazing new hair accessory! Inspired by the hair stylings of the Caribbean Islands, they are great for showing school and team pride, or just for expressing your love for style! Easy to use, available in every color of the rainbow! With Twirlyz you can wrap your hair in seconds, no matter what your hair type!

Review: I LOVE IT!!! These hair accessories are adorable, and it was a BIG hit at N's school. As soon as she went in, her teacher, and her classmates, complimented her hair. They were amazed and wanted to know how do you get it in her hair lol.N is a pretty aggressive player in recess/gym so she said it later fell out, but she twisted back in her hair all by herself, it's very simple. To apply: Just simply (twirl) the hair around it, voila!

-Sorry for the blurry pic- 

It's pretty cool how you can change the little charms on the end of the twirlyz to personalize them.

She wore the rainbow long twirlyz in her hair all week, but on Friday I told her to give it a break. I didn't want her to be distracted in school by having to keep putting it in. This child threw a hissy fit! Tears and all, because she wanted to wear it. After talking with her once she was calm, I found out that she likes the attention it brings lol. I guess it makes her cool smh. She also wants more and in different colors, I believe Twirlyz created an monster lol aka big fan. So I promised her that if she gets honors again for this semester, I will buy her more twirlyz. There's nothing more I can's a hit folks! 
When you place a order, be sure to mention that KandyLandKurls sent you. Click here to visit their site.

UPDATE: A reader noticed that I didn't show the complete hairstyle, I apologize for that. Here are the other pictures of this hairstyle.

For this top section, I did random braids. One row started from the left, and the other from the right, and I continued this pattern until I reached the center of her hair. The remaining hair I placed into a little bun.

 For the back of her hair I made cornbraids going straight down, then I used Curlformers to create the curls. I applied eco styler gel on top of the braids. Then I put in the curlformers, she slept with them and I removed the rollers in the morning for this curly effect.

On one side of her hair I created a small heart. Which I'm not that great at, but I did this style for valentines day, and wanted to try to make a heart.

I cornbraided the center straight down, and added cornbraids around the heart. Then I added curlformers and gel to make this section curly.
On the opposite side of her hair, I made just straight back cornbraids, no heart. (I forgot to take a pic of that side, sorry.) 


  1. She looks so pretty, happy and GORGEOUS!! Love those Twirlyz in her hair!!!

    My girls love them as well... They are definitely a hit!! :)


  2. those are really cute!!!.. I may have to order

  3. Cute! I like it, it looks great on her!

  4. Aww...N looks so pretty and happy to have the twirlyz in her hair. Yaya, would love these! She loves putting fun cute accessories in her hair. Then again...what girl doesn't?! :)

  5. Thanks everyone! You got to get your kids some! I think these are too cute!

  6. These are really cute! You can tell how much N loves them, she is just glowing! What a beauty!


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