Monday, January 16, 2012

Quick Cornbraid Style

I had exactly one hour until N's bedtime, so I quickly did this cornbraid style. It took exactly one hour and 14 mins, so she wasnt too late for bed. I did the front section of hair in side braids. Next, I did the back of her hair in two (2) rows of cornbraids. I added the beads in the morning. 

The bottom layer of cornbraids is longer than the middle section.

Cute & Simple!

Products Used:
 Eco Styler Gel
Cara B Moisturizing Hair Mist (sprayed in the morning.) REVIEW SOON

This style lasted 2 weeks.

Note: We are getting ready for our protective style challenge, so this style is a great style idea for those participating.


  1. I love the look of the front braids going to the side! This is very cute :)

  2. Wow, that bottom layer is really long! It went out of frame! This is a cute style, amazing that you did it in 1 hour, go turbo!


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