Saturday, July 2, 2011

"N" Did My Hair

Last weekend, I washed my hair and put it into 4 braids to sleep in overnight. The next day while I was on our Facebook Fan Page, N decided to unravel my braids. I did mind, as long as she was occupied (she has been driving me bananas.) She brush my hair and put the hair ties in. Then I started to feel her braiding my hair, and I'm saying in my head "Oh gosh, she is creating knots" When she was finished she ran to get the hand mirror. Then, I looked and saw that she has created (2) two-strand twists. Immediately, I told her to grab my camera, and she took these pictures.

(Sorry about the quality, keep in mind a 6 yr old took the pic)

I must say, I'm so proud of her! She is learning how to do simple braiding techniques. I never let her play in her own hair (because of knotting and getting carried away.) But she is starting to show me that she is becoming a big girl. (tears) Pretty soon she will heading off to college, (ok I'm exaggerating) but I swear time is flying by tooo fast for me. I'm thinking about buying her a doll head to practice on. Who knows she may be posting her own styles to the blog???


  1. That's just too adorable!

  2. great job, have a stylist on your hands :)

  3. hey girl...stopping by to let you know I have deemed you and your awesome blog worthy of the sunshine award :)


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