Monday, May 2, 2011

New I Love My Hair TShirts

This is the new I Love My Hair T-shirts available at Forever21 for $14.00.

Here is the original "I Love My Hair Tshirt"

The Muppet has been altered a bit, and I wish they would of have children models instead.
So what do you think about the new shirt?


  1. I dont see a problem with the "color change" on the shirts. I was hoping they would make various shades of the shirt because not every mixture is dark brown so I applaud that. I dont see a problem with all shades of people modeling the shirts either. I agree that children should be models of these shirts. hands down, i dont see many adults wearing the sesame street I love my hair shirt, it was obviously intended for children and out of all the ads i have seen just one with a child wearing one!

  2. they have kids sizes? I actually have a forever21 giftcard I got for Christmas in a dirty santa game!


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