Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hair Art

Katie is a children's illustrator, and she sells her art on Etsy to help raise money for her adoption.
Katie and her husband are currently in the process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia.
 While thinking about (and day-dreaming about) braiding her little girl's hair, she painted this little set of paintings, which is named "Hair Time."
Hair Time - set of 3 prints in 5x7 size - NEW ITEM

Katie also has other art in her Etsy shop.
Click here to check out more of her beautiful artwork!


  1. lovely blog..visit mine if u like http://newbornfashionistas.blogspot.com/

  2. I think I had seen this post earlier, but seeing it again is just fabulous! I hope she is able to raise what she needs!


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