Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Winner of the Tangle Teezer Magic Flowerpot

The Giveaway is officially over :( I want to thank Tangled Teezer for sending us this awesome brush to review and giveaway! Next, I want to thank everyone who has entered this contest, I wish I had 50 brushes so that everyone could win, but I don't :( I just have one, and the lucky follower who will receive this brush is.....


Congratulations OhMomma!!

Please send me an email with your full name and address to by April 19th.
Click here if you would like to purchase the Magic Flowerpot for your little one.


  1. OMG!! I can't believe I won!! I'm emailing you now!! :-) Thank you so much for the opportunitiy to participate in the contest and for having such an insightful blog! <3 Dawn


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