Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Celebrity Hair Look-A-Like: Willow Smith

I seen this cute style on Willow Smith, and instantly I wanted to try it on N. This style took us approx 45 mins, and lasted 4 days. When we went to the local grocery store, and N received two compliments on this style :)


1.) I washed her hair the night before, so her hair was moisturized and detangled.

2.) I started making 4 cornbraids going straight back, starting near her ear.

3.) I made 4 additional braids on the other side of her hair going straight back.

4.) In the middle of her hair I made a zig-zag part and made 2 cornbraids.

Products Used: Bee Mine Juicy Spritz
Bee Mine Luscious Moisturizer

no copyright infringement intended for the photos


  1. yay you! you and i both tried this style.. but the only difference is yours looks sooooo much better than my attempt. lol. i have an issue with zigzag parts like that.

  2. soooo cute! it looks great. doesnt hurt that ur daughter is beautiful :)

  3. Oh that's cool it came out good! What a cute little model :)

  4. @shay- aww thanks it took me awhile to learn how to make zig zag parts, and I still can't make a heart design to save my life! Don't give up we will both get it right. :)And BIG THANKS LADIES for all of your wonderful compliments, you all, sure know how to make a girl "smile" LOL

  5. What a cute look! My daughter would love this style. Looks like yours did, too! =)

  6. How awesome! I can't wait for my daughter's hair to grow more so I can do styles like this. Your N is a cutie-pie and you did a great job on her hair!


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