After hearing about the Tangle Teezer everywhere, I still was very skeptical. I heard rave reviews for the denman brush and I jumped on the band wagon, and it did absolutely nothing for our hair. So I figure this brush would live up to it's name and be a big fat teaser aka teezer!
But, I was soooooo wrong! This brush is the best brush on the market! It may look a little funny, with it's long and short bristles, and it doesn't have a handle or anything to help grip it in your hands. But the way that it glides through N's hair is incredible! I have been using it for a few months now, on both wet and dry hair to detangle and it doesn't pull or cause breakage. When I first tried it and I heard the sound it makes(like a crunchy/ripping sound) I was ready to toss it away, but don't be fooled by the sound. All of the hair that was left in the brush was shed hair.
The Tangle Teezer clumps her curls together so nicely when her hair is wet. I have tossed my wide tooth comb and all of my other combs and brushes to the side. I'm not to sure what makes this brush detangle with such must be some form of magic lol.
I also had to try this brush, isn't it simply adorable! N loves it, she puts her stickers inside of it.
Overall this is a great detangling brush, and if you haven't tried it, you really should! and for only 10 dollars you can't beat that price, click here to check it out. Thanks so much Tangle Teezer for allowing me to review your products!
Disclosure: the product was sent to me free of charge from the company for the purpose of the review, the opinion of the product is my own.
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