Friday, February 11, 2011


We are having a special giveaway in honor of our new KandyLandKurls Forum! We have recently added a forum to our blog, this is a place where all of us can come together to talk. We can talk about anything from, what's new with our kids, or asking questions about hair . This giveaway is exclusively for those who join our forum. The winner will receive one (1) copy of the book Wild, Wild Hair !! Contest ends February 25th!
Wild, Wild Hair

By Nikki Grimes
Illustrated by George Ford

Here' s how to enter:

1.) Join KandyLandKurls Forum (click on the tab under our home tab) and Register to become a member.

Thats all, if you would like more entries to increase the chances of winning, you can do the following

2.) Start a topic

3.) Comment on a topic

You can do steps 2-3 daily as many times as you want.

But don't forget to comment under this post to let me know what steps you have done.

example: I joined KandyLandKurls Forum, I created a topic or commented about ______. (This is considered your daily post, again, there is no limit as to how many times you do this.)

I will choose a winner by using,
(example: If Random.Org chooses comment number 78, and your post is number 78, then you would be the winner.)
-If the winner doesnt respond by March 2nd, then I will choose another winner.

*Good Luck To All Who Enter!


  1. I joined your awesome forum :)

  2. I started a topic in your forum "How does everyone educate their children on their race?"

    :) I encourage everyone to check it out and chime in :)

  3. I commented on the race thread i created :)

  4. I commented on the hair serum thread :)

  5. I started a topic under hair questions about head and shoulders shampoo

  6. I commented on the hair serum thread


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