Friday, January 14, 2011

Organizing Hair Accessories

Here is how we organize "N"'s Hair accessories, we sort the hair bows by color and use (2) 3-Tier plastic organizers we brought years ago at Walmart.

Sorry the pictures below look pink, N's curtains turn her room pink

We use a Easter bucket to hold N's Hair Brush, Combs, Moisturizer and Spray bottle. I wanted to put in into good use after Easter.

Head Bands and more Bows/Clips


  1. I like the way you have her things organized! I love when things are color

  2. Thank ya! Its so much easier to find things when they are color coordinated lol

  3. I so need to organize my girls stuff....just haven't had the motivation to do it yet, yours is awesome though! LOL

  4. Your organization skills are amazing :) we just love how you organize all the pretties by color :) How many of these do you own? lol i would probably need a wearhouse to house all of Diva R's stuff :) we <3 Kandylandkurls

  5. @Kiana- after getting frustrated with every bow being tangled, and I couldn't find a matching pair, I then finally found motivation lol
    @Loveyourgirlsbiracialcurls- Thanks I only own 2 but they are beginning to overflow so I may pick up another one very soon. A wearhouse LMAO...oh my!!


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