Thursday, January 6, 2011

GIVEAWAY TIME!! Batiste Dry Shampoo

You could win a can of Batiste -Blush Scent- Dry Shampoo

The GIVEAWAY is still going on... ends January 9th!! So you still have plenty of time to enter!
Here how to enter...

Leave a separte comment for each task you complete, under the original Batiste Product Review.

1.) Follow our blog. (If you are already following, leave a comment letting me know.)

2.) Become a follower on twitter.

3.) Advertise the giveaway on your blog, website, twitter of other forums. (Leave a separate comment for each place you advertise.)

4.) Grab our button. (If you use our button, please leave a comment with the link to the website/blog.)

5.) Leave a comment on a previous post.

The winner will be chosen by RANDOM.ORG if the winner does not respond by Jan 13th another winner will be chosen.

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