Friday, December 10, 2010

WARNING: The picture below may be disturbing to some, or just plain ridiculous!!

Yes, this is what she looked like, when she came out of her bedroom. She did ask me if she could play in makeup. I was sooo into watching 16 & pregnant aftershow online that I said "uh huh" not really paying any attention, to what she just asked, but she sure did grab my attention, when she came out her room. I told her she looked BEAUTIFUL!! While I was laughing and grabbed my camera, so I could share this silly moment with all of you lol.


  1. she is just so cute !!!! x

  2. Wow...that is too cute.....

  3. Thanks everyone!! This is a face only a mother could love, but im glad ya like it too lol

  4. How cute :) Im def a believer in expression :) Gotta eat these moments up because when shes older she wont think this is funny to do anymore lol



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