Tuesday, November 16, 2010

*SpotLight*Little Ni


This is Ni, She is 3 Years old
Check out her cute hair styles!!

Awww she is a beautiful Bumble Bee, and I love the two little buns on her hair, Tooo cute!!
 -Ni's Mom wanted some advice for her daughters hair, she says she washes it once a week, and it is very dry. What tips, products or advice would you all recommend? please comment below.. 

-If you would like to partcipate in our *Spotlight* just send a email with your little one's name and submit photos to kandylandkurls@yahoo.com

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute!!! She can visit my site for product reviews and stuff!!

    http://www.beautifulbiracial.com !!


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