Sunday, November 14, 2010

One Week Left To Enter The GIVEAWAY !!

The Giveaway will end on Sunday Nov, 21st There is only 7 days left to enter.

The prizes are...
1  Clear 24mm Barrettes
1  Daisy Blue Translucent Barrettes
1   Royal Blue and White Flower Snaps
1   Jumbo Blue Tone Mix Beads
1   Red and White 24mm Barrettes
1   8" Hair Beader

The cool prizes are from our friend, over at The Curly Princess Hair Boutique.  If you haven't enter yet, what are you waiting for...?  Its super easy to enter, heres how...

The Giveaway is currently available to those who live in the US and Canada.
-You must leave a separate comment for each task you complete, please leave the comments under the Giveaway Time Post.

Here's how to enter:

1.) Follow our blog (1 point)

2.) Go to the website and sign the guest book. (2 points)

3.) Go to our KandyLand Facebook Fan Page (its on the left side of the page) and become a fan. (1 point)

4.) Go to our KandyLand Twitter Page (its on the left)  and become a follower.
(1 point)

5.) Advertise KandyLand and the Giveaway on your Facebook Page, Blog, Website, Twitter or Forum. (1 point each for every time you advertised KandyLand)

6.) Grab our button, and if you add our button to your blog, let me know you are using it, leave a link to your blog. (5 points)

 7.) Leave a comment on a post. (2 points for each comment)

8.) Share our Facebook Page with your friend or family, and come back and leave a comment letting me know. (1 point for each person you shared with )

 The person with the most total points is the winner!!

-If the winner doesn't respond by Nov 26th - which is 5 days after the announcement, A new winner will be chosen.

Currently as of Sunday, November 14th @ 1:30 p.m We have a tie for the winner, dont worry!!  You have 7 days left to break this tie by commenting, advertising and sharing, and anyone can enter to win and you can still catch up!! Remember to leave separate comment for each task you complete...Good Luck To All !!


  1. I advertised the site on Twitter today!

  2. idk if that last comment posted..but i advertised it on facebook!

  3. i shared your page with 5 people today!

  4. I have beomce a fan on facebook!

  5. I am a follower on twitter!

  6. I have advertised on my facebook and twitter!

  7. Your button is on my site.

  8. i advertised on facebook!...

    (if i said facebook last post then i meant twitter on this one..i just got confused lol)

    i advertised on both though


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