Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hurray!!! We have reached 50 Followers!!!

Yay!! We have reached 50 followers, I really want to Thank Everyone who is following KandyLand and have helped spread the word, I really appreciate it !!! Thanks again Everyone !! So I'm the type of girl, who keeps her promises ;-) and I promised that once we reach 50 followers, I would have a Product Review and Giveaway!! and as you know, we had a poll and 66% wanted Snaps & Barrettes as our first Giveaway.
So our friend over at Curly Princess Hair Boutique has generously offered to host our first Giveaway (hurray)!!!
So stay checking in for the Review and Giveaway, and remember the Giveaway is only for those who are following KandyLand. (just click on the follow button on the right, to become a follower)
Also feel free to use the button for KandyLand, take the code and place it on your website.

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