Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kandy's (?) Time

If you had to guess how many strands of hair you have, what would be your answer?
-"N" said "A million trillion" lol

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hurray!!! We have reached 50 Followers!!!

Yay!! We have reached 50 followers, I really want to Thank Everyone who is following KandyLand and have helped spread the word, I really appreciate it !!! Thanks again Everyone !! So I'm the type of girl, who keeps her promises ;-) and I promised that once we reach 50 followers, I would have a Product Review and Giveaway!! and as you know, we had a poll and 66% wanted Snaps & Barrettes as our first Giveaway.
So our friend over at Curly Princess Hair Boutique has generously offered to host our first Giveaway (hurray)!!!
So stay checking in for the Review and Giveaway, and remember the Giveaway is only for those who are following KandyLand. (just click on the follow button on the right, to become a follower)
Also feel free to use the button for KandyLand, take the code and place it on your website.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cool Hair Facts :-)

Asian hair grows the fastest and has the greatest elasticity. (Africans and Europeans are more prone, than Asians, to balding. So take the time to learn how to care for your curly hair)

Poll Results

Well the people have spoken/polled lol, the results are in!!
Drumroll Please......

First Place:  Snaps and Barrettes!!!
Second Place: Its a Tie!!! Strawllers and Mixed Chicks!!!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to take the poll, and watch out for the GIVEAWAYS (woo-hoo!!) and remember spread the word about KandyLand ;-)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall/Harvest Theme Hairstyle

I wanted to do a style that has a fall theme. Starting with well moisturized hair, I made a part in her hair from ear to ear. Next I parted her hair in half, straight down the middle and section off the four sides (think of a plus(+) sign). Next I took one of the top sides and split that down the middle, and then made two parts going across. Which made a total of 6 small individual boxes, on the front section.

 I did the same on the other top half of hair creating a total of 12 boxed sections on the top of her hair. 6 on one side, and 6 on the other. I used a rubber band to separate and tie off each box. I began twisting each section of hair (right over left, and repeat) all the way to the ends of her hair.

Once all 12 sections were twisted, I started to criss-cross the individual twist.
Finally, I began making 5 parts in the back of her hair. I took the last twisted section of hair (on top) and unraveled it a bit and began braiding it. I continued to braid her hair and then began cornrowing the hair all the way down. At the end, I added the beads.

Time approx.1 hour
Products used: Wide tooth comb & Rubber bands

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zig Zag

Zig-Zag Style Tutorial - "N" went to our local salon "Beautiful U" We Love them, and this was the style they did, it was easy to do and maintain. This was her first day of school hairstyle. Since then, I have copied this style a few more times, and its so fast to do, especially on the mornings we are running late :-0
1.)Start with clean detangled hair. I washed her hair the day before. I detangled it and placed her hair into four braids for her night time routine, to help dry and stretch out her hair. The next day before styling I added some Softee Indian Hemp to help moisturize her hair. 
2.) I removed the braids and made a slanted part starting near her right ear going up (about a inch and a half part)
3.) At the end of the part I made a slanted part going down.
4.)Continue the pattern of a up/down slant part until you reach the other side of the hair.
5.)Separate the top of the hair from the bottom, then take the bottom section of the hair and follow the same pattern going downwards.
6.)Separate the zig-zag parts with a bow to section them off, then take the right section and split it into two parts.
7.)Twist the section of hair, by wrapping the two sections around each other, Right over Left, and repeat, until you reach the end of the hair.
8.)Repeat step 7 on the left side of the hair. 
9.)Next I took the top of the hair and tied it into a bun and I added hair bows to accessorize.
Total time: approx. 20-25 min
Products used: Wide tooth comb
                        Hair bands to section the hair

Whip my Hair- Sesame street version

As you all know, my first post was about a song called "Whip My Hair" by Willow Smith. My daughter "Loves" this song, and I found on youtube a Sesame Street version of this song, which I think is so cute!!! I love how the muppet has different African American hairstyles. I heard that the Sesame Street Head Writer is a white male, and has a adopted daughter from Ethopia and made this for her, and all the other little girls out there. To help them embrace their hair!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Just a friendly reminder... There is only 5 days left to vote, for the products you would like to get a chance to win!! We will have a GIVEAWAY coming very soon!! Im so excited, make sure to spread the word about KandyLand and follow the blog, so that YOU could win some cool stuff :-)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Updated Braided Ponytail

On day 3 of the braided ponytail style, I wanted to do something to help hide all of the fuzzes by adding some curls to the braids. I put her hair in one big braid at night, and when she woke up, I took the braid apart and it left a nice curl to her braids. I then took one individual braid and wrapped it around the ponytail.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Braided PonyTail

I wanted to make a change instead of the regular ponytail, I decided to do a braided ponytail.

Start with well moisturized hair, I started braiding in the back of "N"s  hair making slightly-slanted parts going up towards the center of the head. I continue braiding all around her hair. Check out this website   if you don't know how to braid. They have color illustrations to help make it easier to learn. Once you get the hang of braiding, the harder part will be making sure the parts look right lol

Added a cute accessory and she was ready to go

Approx. time: 1 hour

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kandy's (?) TIME

Don't you hate when your little one has lint/cotton stuck in there hair!!! Ugh, especially if they like to roll on the floor, like my little one. So what methods do you use (besides washing) to get rid of the cotton/lint fuzzes? Or is washing the only way to get rid of it?

KandyLand's 1st GIVEAWAY !!!

I'm so happy to announce KandyLand will have a giveaway coming very soon!! Thanks to everyone, we have reached 25 followers so far (woo-hoo) and once we reach 50 followers we will have a GIVEAWAY!! Take a few seconds to take the poll on the left, to choose what you would like to win. So spread the word!!! become a follower !!! or become a fan on facebook!!! and you can get a chance to Win!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

3 Cornrows Into A Ponytail

Yesterday I did this very quick style on "N", we were running a little late because of her tooth falling out that morning. Since she is sooo dramatic it slowed us down, but anyways I quickly made 3 cornrows and threw the rest of her hair into a braided ponytail.

If you don't know how to cornrow I found this website, which is color illustrated, to help make it easier to understand how to do it. I did not learn how to cornrow from this site (I learned from my aunts growing up) but if I were to advice on how to cornbraid to a beginner, I would recommend this site  

Awe look at the little blood spot where her tooth once was, she's my big girl!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Introducing "Little Miss N"

Hello everyone! I wanted to introduce you all, to my Daughter/Hair Model "N", I thought it would be great to tell you a little bit about "N". She is 5 years old and loves to draw, sing, and is a little tomboy at heart, but her girly side comes out when its time to do her hair.  :-) Her hobbies/interests are in Girl Scouts, Tae kwon do, Baseball and her School's Science Club. She is extremely excited to display children hairstyles, for everyone to see!!

Take a look at the bottom of the pics, for the rest of this month, I will use this border in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

X Braid

Last night I washed her hair, and placed it into 4 braided sections. I used those sections to do a quick X in her hair. First, I added 2 scrunchies to the top sections and braided the top two braids. Then I placed one braid into the bottom section, that is on the opposite side. I added a scrunchie and unraveled the little bit of braid, that was left over, from the top section. Next I continued to braid all the way to the bottom, and added a hair bow to accessorize. I followed the same steps for the other side.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

All about KandyLand

My name is Kandy, I have two children "N" who is 5 (almost 6 in nov) and "L" who is 9 months. I wanted to create a blog to learn and share methods, on how to care for curly hair. I'm not a professional at all, I am learning everyday how to care for biracial/AA hair, and I would like to share what I learned with you. If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to contact me at and I promise I will get back to ya.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Twisted Mohawk

Here is a quick style to do, when taking the little one to school!!! The Twisted Mohawk!! I started with well moisturized detangled hair, I parted the hair into 3 horizontal/ear to ear sections, and then tie it off with a clip/pony tail holder. 

Then starting at the bottom, divide the section (in the ponytail holder) into 3 parts. I then took 1 of the three sections and twisted it, by placing the right section over the left and so on... until I reach the end of the hair.

I added the little hair clips at the end of each section, so I had a total of 3 different twisties. I did this to the other 2 sections of hair (the middle and the top) and VOILA all done!!  approx styling time: 20 mins

Whip My Hair

As my first blog entry about haircare for children, my daughter wanted me to post this song about hair. (she is on topic huh?) lol. I decided it would be a good idea to post this video of Willow Smith (Will+Jada Smith's daughter) She has a new song out, about whipping her hair to all of the "haters". When she is down and feels like giving up, she just simply whips her hair. (I guess it like a form of dusting off your shoulders) and then she keeps moving forward. I love this message- "it doesnt matter if its long or short, just whip your hair" and keep pressing on.